Today's Bingo: Shoes. "Dad?" "Yes, son," the man said to his six year old. "Have you ever walked in my shoes?" "They're a little small." "Can I walk in your shoes?" "I hope you'll always be willing."
Why mindfulness? Mindfulness is being completely present in this moment--not worried about your history or concerned what will happen next. We forget that each moment is precious, and waste what's good right now. A few times a week we'll post a new reflection to raise awareness.
Why Bingo? Nothing is as bad as you think and almost anything can be playful. In your daily life, every time you find yourself distracted, irritated, and angry, take a few deep breathes. Come back and read the reflection again if it helps.
No matter where you are, once you're back in the moment say, "Bingo!" It's a mantra to bring you back into the best of your life right now.